Top 50 Virtual Influencers to Follow in 2024

Top Virtual Influencers

Let’s explore the fascinating world of Virtual Influencers, where technology meets personality in the most captivating way. Hold on! Are you considering a virtual influencer for yourself or your brand? Let us handle it. We specialize in crafting virtual influencers, from their backstory and design to launching them on social media and implementing targeted marketing […]

Experiential Marketing Strategies for Different Industries

Experiential Marketing Strategies For Different Industries

Whether we’re watching sports on TV, watching tutorials on YouTube, or even using social media platforms such as Instagram or X (formerly known as Twitter), we see ads everywhere. It is safe to say that people aren’t as interested in these ads as they used to be, and they won’t indeed connect with any brand […]

What is Brand Activation? Mastering Strategies, Insights, and Lessons from Pitfalls

What Is Brand Activation

Brand activation sets itself apart from conventional branding methods, often dismissed by many in modern marketing jargon. It typically includes direct engagement between business representatives and consumers, nurturing brand loyalty, and advocacy. Imagine a well-known soda brand launching a new product line. Instead of exclusively depending on traditional advertising methods, they opt for interactive, more […]

Theme Park Advertising Strategy; 2024 approaches

Theme Park Advertising Strategy

Digital distractions are at every turn; theme parks face the challenge of not only attracting visitors but also creating an unforgettable experience that resonates long after the day ends. The true key to success lies not just in attracting visitors but in maintaining a lasting connection with them. How do theme parks keep guests returning […]

What Is Interactive Website Design? + Examples

What Is Interactive Website Design

In today’s digital world, websites are crucial for businesses. Just like a good first impression in person, a website must be engaging to keep visitors interested. Simply throwing some content online isn’t enough anymore – you need to grab their attention and make them want to stay! That’s where interactive web design enters. This article […]

13 examples of augmented reality (AR) brand experiences

examples of augmented reality (AR) brand experiences

Have you ever wished you could try on those trendy glasses before buying them or see how a new hair color looks before committing? With augmented reality, you can do just that right from your phone. Augmented reality (AR) transforms how brands interact with customers in exciting new ways. Whether virtually trying on makeup, visualizing […]

Power of Gamification in B2B Settings + 10 Real-World Examples

Power Of Gamification In B2B Settings

In today’s business world, gamification can unlock new possibilities, making every interaction a step toward success. It’s not just for B2C; it also works wonders in B2B contexts. By incorporating game-like elements such as challenges, rewards, and competitions into everyday tasks, gamification makes work more engaging and enjoyable. In this post, we’re diving into interesting […]

Immersive Brand Experience: Ultimate Guide + Insights

Immersive Brand Experience

Whether through a physical space to explore, a virtual adventure using augmented reality, or a multi-sensory journey, the goal is to connect with customers on a deeper level. By doing so, brands attract loyal followers and open doors to new audiences. When brands team up for these experiences, it will be a win-win situation, boosting […]

What is brand experience strategy?

What Is Brand Experience Strategy

A brand experience strategy is a detailed plan companies make to change customers’ experience with their brand. It’s more than just making sales and giving products. It’s about creating lasting memories, building emotional relationships, and standing out in a crowded market. As part of the strategy, regular and meaningful interactions will be set up across […]

QR Codes to 3D-AR Menus: The Future of Dining in Innovative Restaurant Technology


The experience of ordering food has undergone significant changes over the last decade, transitioning from traditional paper menus to more contemporary QR code systems. But, don’t you think the experience of ordering could be even more thrilling? Imagine restaurants harnessing innovative technologies to transform this everyday activity into something extraordinary. As we delve into the […]