Brand Archetypes: A Guide to Understanding Their Impact

Brand Archetypes

What comes to your mind when thinking about your best friend, or your colleague? You probably say they are funny, sophisticated, smart, etc. what you probably don’t know is that you are actually referring to your friend’s archetype. Archetypes have been around for a long time and brands have been using archetypes in their strategies […]

Brand Attributes: Definition, Benefits & Examples

Brand Attributes-min

A brand is more than just a logo or name. Successful brands have a unique personality made up of special qualities or “attributes” that connect with customers. These brand attributes are carefully chosen to resonate with ideal customers and make memorable, lasting impressions. Over time, a brand’s attributes become as recognizable as its visual identity […]

What is Transmedia Storytelling

What is Transmedia Storytelling

The audience is everything in a story because they judge if the story is a success or not. It doesn’t matter if the story is a novel, a movie, or a narrative that you share about your brand. You’ve probably heard that you need to define your target audience, their demographics, tastes, and needs so […]

What is Gamification? Definition, Software, Examples, and Best Practices

What is Gamification

There’s one major goal in any business: Getting people to do what you want. It can be anything from making a purchase to writing a review, sharing a post, referrals, and many other things. That’s a fundamental purpose of TV ads, branding, social media campaigns, and many other marketing strategies that want to encourage you […]

What Is Visual Storytelling?

What Is Visual Storytelling?

There’s power in a story, and it’s not just in the movies or books. You see it in the news, in sports, and even in education. It’s powerful because we’re hardwired to take inspiration and morals from any story. It convinces us to do things we didn’t consider before. That’s why businesses choose to share […]

What is Metaverse?

what is metaverse

It’s sometimes scary to read and learn about tech. When you go through any post, there’s all of this heavy jargon like blockchain, Web 3.0, NFTs, and now, metaverse. It’s one of those things that’s promised to change not just our web experience, but our reality. Some people can’t wait for it while others are […]

What is Brand Experience? Definition, Examples

What Is Brand Experience

No matter what you sell, you already know that there’s a ton of competition out there. That’s why companies invest heavily in creating a distinctive product that can give them an edge on the market. But, many times, the product isn’t the deciding factor for customers. It’s how they feel about the product’s brand and […]

How to Develop a Brand: A Journey of Innovation and Growth

How to Develop a Brand

Have you ever thought about water? It’s literally a “vital” element of our existence. It’s a free natural resource that should be available to anyone in the world. Yet, it has become a commercial product that comes in different bottles and shapes. What’s even more interesting is that some companies are super successful at selling […]

What is Web 3.0 (Web3)? A Journey into the Decentralized Internet

What Is Web 3

Cryptocurrency, NFTs, blockchain, and metaverse. You’ve surely heard about these in the last few years, and may not know what some of them even mean. Now, there’s another futuristic buzzword: Web 3.0, or the next generation of the web. But, like most new concepts in tech, marketers and venture capital firms just throw around the […]

The Different Types of Brand Experiences

The Different Types Of Brand Experiences

Running a marketing campaign is like an exploration. Many people contribute, there must be a leader, everything needs to be assessed, and in the end you need to achieve a goal. So, crafting a successful campaign is not an easy job to do and brands must carefully consider special elements to go through it. In […]