Recently, Apple released its new product, which is a game-changer in the realm of VR headsets. We are talking about Apple Vision Pro, which has been trending since, and its videos are everywhere on the internet.
As this newly created device, and the whole category generally, is predicted to be the next communication channel people will use, brands and businesses must be prepared for probable changes in the marketing world.
To remain in the market, monitoring upcoming trends and optimizing marketing and branding methods is a must!
This blog will examine possible practical approaches to this new era and guide you in preparing your business for this inevitable transformation.
It is best to start with an overview of Apple Vision Pro, the product that made us write this blog!
A Brief Overview of Apple Vision Pro
In the past few years, many giant tech companies have decided to enter the VR headset market. The latest one is Apple, and as anticipated, Apple’s product is playing in a different league. At least, in the first days after the release, we all thought this way!
Apple Vision Pro has made significant strides in spatial computing, a term that may be unfamiliar to some. Spatial computing is the art of blending digital information seamlessly with our physical environment, and Apple’s advancements in this field are truly noteworthy.
Not surprisingly, this VR headset works with a unique operating system called VisionOS. Users can navigate through various apps in this OS using their eyes, hands, and even their voice.
Users can expand movies, shows, games, etc., using this stunning device to fill the whole room.
Apple Vision Pro’s display has 23 million pixels and leverages micro OLED technology. Thanks to its advanced display technology, users can expect an unparalleled experience.
Among its array of special features, Apple Vision Pro offers spatial audio, hand tracking, and a 3D camera for capturing spatial pictures and videos. In essence, Apple Vision Pro is a gateway to a future where everything will change.
It’s not just about how we communicate or how businesses market, it’s about inspiring a new way of life, where XR will become a serious thing. While AR and VR are well-known terms, chances are many of you have not heard of XR and have no idea about the meaning behind this concept.
It stands for Extended Reality. As an umbrella term, XR includes several technologies that impact reality, such as AR, VR, and MR. Therefore, we are dealing with a huge category involving all the groundbreaking technologies we were starting to get comfortable with.
Regarding our main subject, we must say that Apple Vision Pro is very expensive compared to its alternatives. All Apple products are renowned for their premium quality rather than affordability, and the Apple Vision Pro VR headset is no exception.
Additionally, despite the many reels you may have seen on your Instagram feed, it is not a great device to wear all day, as it has notable drawbacks—weak batteries, for example!
However, let us emphasize that this recently released product is just the beginning. Can you compare 2G iPhones to iPhone 15? No! The first version of Apple Vision Pro is like the iPhone 2G, and later versions will undoubtedly be much better.
Now that you have a good understanding of this VR headset, let’s discuss effective marketing and branding methods for this new communication channel.
Marketing and Branding Approaches Businesses Can Leverage to Take Advantage of Apple Vision Pro
Before we dive in, it’s crucial to restate a significant point.
The majority of the methods we’re about to discuss are built on assumptions. Understanding this is key to grasping the full picture. Remember that we will examine a new channel; everything about it is fresh! Therefore, let us call these methods our daydreaming about the future of marketing and branding. However, we can assure you that some of them are certain, according to clearly visible facts.
Get Ready for the Rise of Visual Search
For several years after the Internet’s invention, people relied solely on text search. As time passed, voice search became a thing, and businesses realized they should optimize their websites for this behavioral change, which is still in the process of becoming mainstream!
While we were slowly getting used to voice search, VR headsets introduced a new search method called visual search. However, it is not that new!
A few years ago, Google and other search engines added a feature that searchers can use to search by image. For example, if you have a picture of a plant and want to know its name and get other details about it, you can upload the picture and see the links with related content.
However, visual search will go to another level with Apple Vision Pro and similar products.
Have you ever tried Google Lens? You point your phone camera towards different objects in the real world, and the application will bring up various content about that specific object, making information retrieval a breeze.
With VR headsets, you can get everything you need in augmented reality by looking at the plant you want information about, which is genuinely futuristic!
Imagine you have the plant in sight, and simultaneously, you will see layers, including various data, mixing with the environment around you!
Beyond our example, this visual search can come in handy in several situations, such as visiting landmarks, exploring stores, examining various products, and looking for addresses.
As a result, brands and businesses that want to keep up with technological advances must plan to optimize their content for visual search.
XR Will Become a Norm
The rise of Apple Vision Pro and other VR headsets is expected to propel XR, or Extended Reality, into the mainstream.
The reason is apparent. Apple Vision Pro leverages all advanced technologies and goes a long way in mixing the real world with the digital world, the primary goal of spatial computing.
While the Apple device may be costly, it signals a shift in the market. The entry of more major companies into the XR space will likely spur competition, leading to a potential price decrease, which means that more and more people will be able to experience the charm of XR technology.
Future VR headsets will be lighter, more comfortable, and easier to use. Therefore, they have a high potential in alternating smartphones, which we have been using for over a decade.
Features like eye-tracking and hand-tracking, which we discussed earlier in this blog, will improve. After that, XR interactions will unlock new potential humankind has never experienced.
While XR is often associated with gaming, its potential extends far beyond. In the near future, we can expect to see XR making significant strides in healthcare, education, remote work, social interaction, and even marketing and branding. This broad application of XR underscores its versatility and potential impact on various industries.
Brands can leverage innovative marketing and branding approaches to benefit from XR domination. It can be used in many ways; for example, businesses can utilize XR to create a hyper-realistic product experience for potential customers, boosting engagement and sales.
In addition, XR is useful for narrating a charming story of the brand.
The list goes on. Leveraging methods related to XR will affect events, conferences, customer service, training and education for both employees and consumers, data collection, etc.
In summary, XR enables businesses to craft unique brand experiences through innovation and creativity, offering them numerous benefits.
Geographical Advertising (Virtual Interactive Billboards)
New communication channels require new forms of advertising. It is an unwritten rule that holds true for Apple Vision Pro and all other VR headsets.
As the device we are examining is portable and, more importantly, wearable, a new form of promotion will most probably emerge, which may be named Geographical Advertising or a similar term.
Let us clarify what we mean with an example. Imagine you are on your evening walk in your neighborhood while wearing Apple Vision Pro; instead of confronting physical static billboards, you will see dynamic interactive displays in certain places.
For instance, a block away from a famous diner in that area, you may see a digital billboard advertising that restaurant. If you interact with that display, the navigator apps on your Apple Vision Pro will guide you to the exact location.
These location-based promotions are strategically targeted at consumers in specific areas. Since it operates in a combination of real and digital environments, it benefits from digital marketing features, such as measurable results.
Furthermore, businesses can enhance engagement by incorporating gamification elements into these virtual billboards. Imagine an educational institution that designs a quick quiz for those attracted by the ad. The reward is a discount for signing up for all programs run by that institute.
Sensory Branding and Marketing
Until now, interaction between people and brands has been limited to sight and sound. This will change significantly once VR headsets dominate the world.
Thanks to the nature of these devices, businesses can easily evoke desired emotions in their target audience. Illustrating this method with an example can further elucidate its effectiveness.
Travel agencies can take their target audience to different destinations, conveying a sense of being there, by visualizing calming beaches with waves echoing in their ears.
It is suggested that you stimulate positive emotions toward your business and products. Over time, this can create a robust emotional connection between the brand and its potential and current customers.
Remember, low-quality content is not accepted in these new channels. Hence, invest in high-quality content to evoke the emotions you want. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid excessive use of sensory branding. Overwhelming audiences and bombarding them can lead to negative repercussions.
Keep the balance and strategically use sensory branding through Apple Vision Pro and other VR headsets.
Enhanced in-store Navigation
VR headsets are anticipated to revolutionize in-store navigation outstandingly. As a result, businesses that do not want to be left behind must monitor the foreseeable changes due to this enhancement.
Imagine entering a gigantic hypermarket, and your Apple Vision Pro guides you toward what you want to purchase, eliminating the need to search for desired items in traditional ways.
Additionally, it’s both enjoyable and practical to examine products and access relevant information, such as ratings and reviews, within the physical environment using layers of augmented reality.
Imagine yourself at a crowded clothes store where you are too tired to try outfits. In this case, trying clothes virtually, with the help of your Apple Vision Pro, is a relief. If that store is a progressive player in its industry and implements all the requirements for such services, it can grab your attention, and you will probably purchase your needed items there.
Moreover, brands and businesses can leverage XR to narrate their stories to visitors. For example, if you enter the main Ferrari showroom, the Enzo Ferrari may appear as a hologram that tells you about the brand’s history.
Therefore, store owners must eventually begin implementing the hardware and software requirements necessary to cater to VR headset users as these devices become more commonplace.
Interactive Learning and Education
Interaction can increase the efficiency of various educational programs. With VR headsets like Apple Vision Pro and its amazing features, interactive learning and education experiences will be enhanced significantly.
Moreover, businesses can leverage VR headsets to simplify the process of training employees on new products and machinery in the factory.
It’s essential to consider the impact of gamification on enhancing the learning process. With Apple Vision Pro and its competitors, educational brands can implement gaming elements more efficiently than ever.
Studies have proven that the more learners interact while learning a topic, the better they will remember the lessons and skills learned throughout sessions.
With capabilities like hand-tracking and eye-tracking, educators can encourage students to interact more with the subject matter, thereby enhancing their engagement.
Revolutionized Customer Service
With the rising use of Apple Vision Pro and similar products, customer service will undoubtedly see influential improvements. Brands can benefit from this massive transformation in several ways, particularly for products requiring technical assistance.
Imagine you buy a router and need to learn how to configure it for a high-quality connection. In the XR era, a technical support expert from your internet provider’s team can guide you through the configuration process step by step, providing real-time virtual assistance.
In addition, brands can run virtual tours to show behind-the-scenes to hesitant leads, aiming to gain their trust and build credibility.
The benefits of revolutionized customer service go beyond solving customers’ challenges. Businesses can also use these high-tech devices to train their employees in support teams. This includes preparing them for diverse scenarios, enhancing their communication skills and problem-solving abilities, and imparting comprehensive knowledge about various products and services.
Seamless Product Visualization
When the internet became a thing, brands could show their products to audiences all over the globe. However, in the early days of the World Wide Web, showcasing products with all their characteristics was challenging.
Now, with the rise of VR headsets, product visualization will be enhanced like never before. Even compared to physically visiting a store or showroom, VR devices allow consumers to explore products and gain detailed information seamlessly.
Let’s examine everything from the customer’s perspective. Typically, you want to gain a comprehensive understanding before making the final decision and transferring your precious money to the seller’s account. Therefore, consumers value brands that offer VR headset compatibility, such as Apple Vision Pro, enabling them to access comprehensive product information.
It’s imperative for progressive brands to invest in optimizing product visualization in the virtual world as it rapidly becomes the standard.
Gamification in Real-Life
The power of gamification in modern marketing strategies is undeniable. When considering VR headsets, it’s essential to recognize their potential for implementing gamification in various aspects of daily life.
In a few sections above, we mentioned virtual billboards, which can be customized with interaction elements to attract more leads. Those interaction elements can be counted as gaming principles.
Take a gym’s virtual billboard as an example. Adding a simple game and encouraging visitors to do 10 pushups to get a discount for buying a membership is an excellent approach to gaining more attention. This exemplifies gamification within the virtual environment.
In general, brands that prioritize gamification must recognize the significant potential of VR headsets for integrating gaming elements. A well-planned implementation of gaming principles will ultimately increase brand engagement and sales.
Immersive Events
One of the most common capabilities of Apple Vision Pro and its rivals is that whoever uses these devices can participate in online virtual events. These are genuinely immersive events, as they can engage all senses of participants, just like an actual traditional event.
During the pandemic, Fortnite pioneered the trend of hosting online concerts for players. This marked the beginning of a new era where virtual events rapidly gained popularity and became more mainstream. It’s a trend that’s here to stay, and more people are expected to adopt these kinds of gatherings.
We strongly suggest you search for the Travis Scott concert in Fortnite, whether you like the rapper or not, to see the high potential of hosting virtual events.
Unlike traditional events confined to a specific location, virtual immersive events transcend geographical boundaries like regular online events or webinars.
Moreover, these businesses can leverage the immersive capabilities of VR headsets to create dynamic and engaging presentations unlike traditional ones—a kind of presentation that can nail down the audience to their seats and make them engage eagerly.
As explained above, product demonstrations will significantly change in the XR world. Therefore, if a brand wants to show its new products at an event and visualize their details, it can be easily done for VR headset users.
Take Apple, for example. Every year, this gigantic tech company hosts an event in the last days of summer. Its main goal is to introduce the new iPhone series and report other advances and milestones they have reached.
Hosting this event virtually, Apple can use its neverending creativity to build an unforgettable experience for participants. Imagine people worldwide experiencing the sensation of using the latest iPhone days and weeks before its public release.
Participants in these events can interact and connect with each other through virtual avatars.
So, for both hosts and participants, immersive events are fun and practical gatherings that can benefit all parties in various ways.
Virtual AI Brand Mascot
The role of AR and VR in bringing brand mascots to life is prominent. By integrating AI, businesses can equip their mascots to assist users of Apple Vision Pro and other VR headsets.
This way, brands can convey their brand identity more effectively, as mascots are designed to represent brands in various communication channels.
AI-powered mascots offer a range of benefits. They can respond to audiences’ queries, provide guidance on their interests, and even engage in interactive games with them.
This interactive approach fosters stronger relationships between brands and their target market by providing personalized assistance and engagement.
Additionally, designing a memorable virtual version of the brand’s mascot will remarkably enhance brand awareness and recognition. Hence, while animating mascots is still crucial, designing compelling AR and VR mascots must not be overlooked.
Interactive Content
We have mentioned the significance of interactivity several times in this blog. Gone are the days when target audiences were merely viewers and consumers. Nowadays, people are attracted to experiences where they can participate and engage, especially VR headset owners, who can show more interaction than computers and smartphone users.
Therefore, it’s crucial for brands to seize the competitive advantage by investing in the creation of interactive content. This strategic move will allow them to stand out like a radiant diamond among their competitors.
Over-reliance on static content can result in missed opportunities and diminished engagement! Develop interactive and gamified experiences that encourage prolonged engagement and enjoyment. Within that space, convey the message you used static content to communicate before.
Personalize each user’s experience based on your business’s data insights. The whole marketing world is moving toward more personalized approaches, as people do not welcome old marketing ways that target the masses blindly.
Progressive Social Media
Before smartphones were invented, Facebook was the primary social media platform for internet users globally. However, once smartphones became an inseparable part of humankind’s daily routine, more and more people became connected to the internet. Since then, dozens of new social media platforms have been created, from Instagram and TikTok to Snapchat and Tinder.
Predictably, when VR headsets find their way into human daily life, new social media platforms will emerge, as they are new communication channels with unique attributes.
Although the future is uncertain, there is a promising vision for the emergence of new platforms. They could potentially evolve into metaverses, immersive digital realms like Sandbox, Decentraland, Upland, and more, offering a new dimension to our social interactions.
During the previous Bull Run of the cryptocurrency market, several projects introduced virtual environments where users could interact with businesses and individuals, signaling the potential for new social media platforms.
Despite the temporary delay of Web 3.0’s domination, projects like Bloktopia were great examples of new social media platforms for Apple Vision Pro and all other VR headsets.
If you run a progressive business and want to move ahead of time, keep a keen eye on possible behavioral changes in your target audience, who will probably embrace these new devices sooner or later. Also, monitor the possible creation of these social media platforms to cater to VR headset users’ newly combined needs.
The list of likely shifts in the marketing and branding world ends here. But you should know that the big transformation toward the XR world is more complicated than you may imagine.
Possible Challenges and Benefits
At the current time, VR headsets’ domination seems far from happening. High-quality devices like Apple Vision Pro are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. As a result, widespread adoption may be delayed.
However, as discussed above, prices are likely to drop notably when multiple gigantic tech companies release more products. This is the most serious issue for the XR world to become real in humankind’s everyday life.
It’s essential to recognize that not all brands are equipped to navigate the transformation that VR technology demands. The shift towards serving VR headset users requires specific hardware and the development of unique software, which consume significant time, energy, and financial resources.
Creating engaging content for Apple Vision Pro and similar products in VR and AR is costly and not guaranteed to be worth the investment. Remember that only a few people globally use these devices, and spending a lot of money on exclusive content for them may be a poor economic decision.
Apple Vision Pro is groundbreaking, but many obstacles are still along the way. As VR headsets are still in their early stages, it is entirely normal that most of them are poorly optimized.
Therefore, unlike smartphones, they are not ideal for all-day usage.
Last but not least, there are serious privacy concerns regarding these devices. With smartphones and personal computers, brands, businesses, and giant companies in the market are collecting a noteworthy amount of data from users all over the network.
Just imagine how much more data is provided with VR headsets! They can access almost everything that even individuals may not know about themselves, from eye movement and walking patterns to inner emotions and feelings.
So, we may need robust regulation to limit data collection in an effective manner, as this can cause severe troubles in the near future. Now, it is time to conclude the blog.
What Will the Future be like, Due to the Rise of Products Such as Apple Vision Pro?
As Ken Liu once said, trying to predict the future is a loser’s game. It is impossible to say precisely what will happen in the immediate or extended future. However, we can guess based on the evidence we have!
It seems that despite all the challenges, Apple Vision Pro and its friend, other VR headsets, are going to find their way toward people’s homes. Technology is evolving fast, and all hardware and software requirements for adopting the XR world are anticipated to be accessible soon.
As said above, some of the approaches discussed in this blog are more likely to become doable methods, and others may be more imaginary. However, the impossible is impossible, and as a business, you should be prepared before it is too late. Let’s wait and see what the future will bring!
There is no doubt that Apple Vision Pro is more than just a simple device; it has a direct connection with the process of marketing and branding. With its advanced features and engaging experience, it gives businesses a chance to connect with their customers in a way that has never been seen before.
Imagine being able to take customers to a virtual store where they can interact with goods in innovative ways that have never been possible before. Overall, Apple Vision Pro enables businesses to communicate with their consumers in a new and meaningful way, which promotes brand trust and enhances client satisfaction in the long run.