Branding & Design


You have multiple touchpoints with your target group—whether it’s the visuals you want them to see, the words you want them to read, the scents you want them to feel, or the experiences you want them to have with your brand. These are the things you need them to notice, whether they’re scrolling through social media, browsing in stores, or stepping into your office spaces.
Selecting the right ones from hundreds of options is what we call brand design. These choices shine brightest when they align perfectly with what your business is all about, its ambitions, the values it champions, your products or services, and the industry you’re a part of.
With lots of experience working with many different global brands, Dream Farm looks at your business and figures out the best way to show it off. We’re experts at creating brand new looks or giving existing ones a fresh twist. Our main goal is to build that great connection with your audience through an effective design that eventually helps your business grow. And we make getting that perfect look easy for you.

featured works


And your story
deserves to be told.

What we do

Layer 1

Brand Naming

Choosing the right brand name is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. It’s the one constant that remains as your business grows—through changes in customers, products, and even your market. A great name not only defines your brand but also shapes its future. We understand that finding the perfect name can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the process with thorough research, creative brainstorming, and careful evaluation.

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Visual Identity Design

While a strong brand is about more than just looking good, a great first impression and a pretty face can really help. Your brand’s visual identity should tell people exactly what your company is about. By choosing the right colors, fonts, typography, and illustrations, we help you show off your business’s values. Every design choice needs to match your company’s mission, whether it’s on your website, in your marketing materials, or your products. This extends to your corporate identity too, making sure everything from your letterhead to your business cards looks professional and even. To make sure your brand stays consistent no matter where it shows up, we’ll provide you with brand guidelines that lay out all the important details.

Layer 1 1

Verbal Identity Development

When you’ve already put a lot of effort into shaping your brand’s look and feel, it’s crucial to be able to talk about it in a way that matches everything else you’ve done. Everything seems out of place when you lack the right words. Our verbal identity document is key here. It gives your team the instruction they need to speak in a way that’s totally on-brand, no matter where they’re communicating—be it global ads, social media, or internal communications.

Layer 1 3

Brand Experience Design

We understand how important our senses are in noticing and remembering brands, even though it’s often overlooked. That’s why we use sensory branding to create awesome experiences that engage all five senses of your target group—sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. We are all about making a lasting impression, from the first look to after-sales interactions, following your audience’s journey through the sales funnel.

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